About Me


name: Liezel Juson
age: 20 years old
address: Cebu, Philippines
gender: female
status: taken

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Layout By Evelyn Regly
~* Evelyn's Place *~ -{ www.Evelyns-Place.com }- Free Layouts, Gifs, Plakinhas, PSD's, Tutoriais e muito mais =) By Evelyn Regly

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hi..everything here is all about me..i reveal all of my secrets and feelings here, these are all true..it talks about my fucking life, my friends, my career and everything that goes through my head..so if you read my stupid blogs, im just being myself so if you dont like it..you better leave! im not in a mood for telling cute and wonderful stories..Im full of hatred right now..I just dont fucking now...whatever it is, I want to let out all my anger..so if you're interested then go ahead and read..thanks guys!


site hackers are not allowed here.

respect everything in here.

you may react if you want, you can comment here.. codes.

enjoy your stay!

im LIZ...

being me is so difficult, i cant
understand myself sometimes..
im so dork.
i take love too seriously &&
its my weakness.
i always doubt about everything.
im not happy right now.
and i'm far too careless for my own good!
i always get bored.
i expect the unexpected.
i never plan.
i love night time and cities.
i wish ill die soon.

my life is horrible.
noone knows me better, even my friends dont.
stupidity is in me.
i always end up crying.
my decisions are crap.
im not miss friendly.
i love goin to dark places.
i wish someone will get me through
this mess.
ill get even to someone that hurts me.
i wish i can go back to the days when i was happy.
LOVE me or HATE me is the only option.